Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Away we go

Hey, fell off the radar, apologies.

Its winter, hibernation and reflection time. so i bought a huge video store contract and decide to lump on the couch on weekends in the warmth of my own home getting some quiet inspiration on my little silver screen...and i came across 'away we go'...
If you haven't seen, go hire it at the DVD store near you. it may be old news to some of you...but I really, really enjoyed it.

Its directed by Sam Mendes...about a couple who's expecting their first child on a journey finding their perfect 'home'...the story is so simple, but the film is so full, of colors, emotions, great dialogues and surprises.
The sound track is great, i stole it off Sindi's laptop and has since been on rotation in my stereo, computer, ipod, and if i could, i would declare the entire album as the sound track of my life at this moment.

been having a few girlie moments, wondering about what my future would look like, apart from career, will i have a family? own a house? children? dogs? where will i live? or will i just be like Peggy Guggenheim and have shiploads of puppies, paintings, and crazy life stories?

even a warrior needs to sit at the side of a river and ponder from time to time...about future battles...this one is no exception.

Happy Women's day. Make it your everyday.

favorite link of the day-- mylondonshopper.blogspot.com

Sound track mostly by Alexi Murdoch

my new photo blog sumiresphotos.blogspot.com

1 comment:

sindisokhumalo said...

Aww babes! you tear jerker you! x