Friday, September 17, 2010

Puma X Shelflife

Fuzzy's exhibition last night was followed by drunken after party and mid night swimming in a heated pool, haha. le good life avec friends.
This morning started late, fried up an all day breakfast burger, my body just couldn't resist the grease! was soooooo goood.
At least i made it to work. well it essentially involves switching on my Mac, and start working. Even that took a while.

The good people at Shelflife store sent over this press pack on their collaboration with Puma.

As they say, the concept behind it is blending iconic elements of the two brands and producing a new mix of flavor and symbols that is specific to South Africa. I like the fact that Puma appreciates local street art and culture and is keen to work with local artists and brands. Bravo to Shelflife, I have no doubt it is a dope range, that's what it means to 'not promise what it can't deliver'.

I just want to end this by saying, I HAVE THE COLLABORATION ENVY! I'm just saying.

To see/buy the range, be sure to go check out the STR.CRD event on 24 September. It will be hosted at the Cape Town station. The range is on sale at the the Puma Mobile unit alongside other Puma products.

If you miss the event, you can also get the range at the Shelflife store after.

Happy weekend!


1 comment:

DR.ZVLV said...

Much love back at ya! ;)